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AHP High Pressure Water Pump for Fire Fighting

How Does A High-pressure Misting System Work?

High-pressure misting systems produce tiny water droplets in the form of fog. This raises humidity and cools without getting anything wet. The small water droplets work together to eliminate tiny particles of dirt, dust, and odor-causing bacteria by attracting and absorbing the particles from the air. Here let’s take a water mist fire extinguishing system as an example: High pressure pumps force water through the stainless-steel water mist nozzles, discharging the water in the form of millions of tiny droplets. An activated system will create a blanket of water mist droplets which maximize heat absorption from the fire, and subsequently displacing oxygen upon evaporation and expansion of the water mist as it converts to steam. Water mist systems are differentiated from sprinkler systems by mist’s unique ability to present a much greater water surface area (enabling rapid heat absorption), combined with the mist’s ability to remain suspended in the air for a much longer duration – thereby creating more exposure time for the heat absorption to take effect. This enables water mist systems to cool and suppress fire using considerably less water than sprinkler systems.