We have strict requirements on the quality of raw materials. The factory purchases raw materials and then processes them. When the raw materials are purchased, the factory performs size inspection first. The element inspection of the raw materials is based on the material certificate given by the supplier.
In Process Inspection
The key product quality control points are designed in each production processes. During the processing, each process is inspected. If cracks or other defects are found in the raw material during this process, it will be returned to the supplier. We have fixed raw material suppliers. One material is provided by a supplier. Due to the later quality issues, suppliers will not be changed arbitrarily. Each process is handled by a dedicated person, and the factory has a process card.
Piece Inspection Before Packing
Before the high-pressure pump is packaged, we are equipped with inspectors, assembling and assembling workers, and debugging and debugging workers. When the high-pressure pump is shipped from the factory, we are also equipped with inspectors. To keep 100% qualified product rate, piece inspection is required in packaging process. Any defective product is not allowed to export to customers.
After-Sale service never end…
The customer service is never end. We will take responsibility to our customers after sales in our quality warranty period. Our attitude is to help solve the problem first and if need and possible, we may provide a spare pump to help solve the urgent need.
How we trace the quality problem? Each finished product has a unique number when it leaves the factory. The numbering rule: year + model + serial number, starting from zero every year, so that you can trace back the pump that has problems and needs after-sales. This number is written on the pump body.
Our dedicated team is committed to providing the most cost-effective and attentive service possible. We take time to listen to each of our customers’ specific needs and requirements.
The spring is very important. our spring has never broken when used in the real scenario. Except that the shaft seal spring is purchased from others (only the shaft seal spring is made of SS316 materials), the springs used in other parts of the high-pressure pump are all wound by ourselves, for we go find the spring factory to custom and make it. Why we do that? because the springs made of duplex stainless steel are not available on the market. We calculate the winding ratio ourselves, buy the steel wire ourselves, and let the spring factory roll it according to our factory's requirements.
please don’t hesitate to get in touch with AWS-HYDRO today.