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What are the 4 types of water?

Views: 33     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2021-11-12      Origin: Site

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We are not making any new water, and won’t be for the foreseeable future. The key is to get more out of the water we already have, the water we have had forever. Here at AWS-HYDRO, we understand that there are many different types of water. That’s why we aim to provide a range of different high pressure water pumps.

For example, AHP series high pressure water pumps in water mist fire fighting system use tap water, DHP series high pressure water pumps in the reverse osmosis application in water treatment use wastewater or seawater, BHP series high pressure water pumps for ultrapure water applications, say in the semiconductor industry, use high-purity water. Generally speaking, in the landfill leachate industry and zero liquid discharge industry, we require customers to control the conductivity within 10,000 mg per liter, but it is difficult for actual customers to achieve within 10,000 mg per liter. For the seawater desalination reverse osmosis application, the chloride ion concentration may reach 30,000 to 40,000 mg per liter.

But what are the main types of water and how can our high pressure water pumps help you with them?

Surface Water

Surface waters include streams, rivers, lakes, reservoirs, and wetlands.   In this case the word stream represents all flowing surface water, think large rivers to small brooks and everything in between. Surface waters, because they are easily accessed, provide (according to a 2010 USGS study) around 78% of the fresh water we use. The number will vary based on variables like drought. If you have access to a flowing water source, you can use it for irrigation and similar purposes. While it may not be as mineral-rich as groundwater, this type of water can be cheap and easy to collect. You simply need to choose a pump that can extract water quickly and in reasonably large quantities.

Ground Water

Groundwater, which makes up around 22% of the water we use, is the water beneath the earth’s surface filling cracks and other openings in beds of rock and sand. It exists in soils and sands that are able to retain water. The water table is the line between unsaturated soil and saturated soil. Below the water table is where rocks and soil are full of water. Groundwater can be accessed via wells and boreholes. It is often relatively clean and very rich in minerals, which makes it ideal if you need water for irrigation or watering your garden. It can also be filtered and used for outdoor cleaning. However, groundwater is rarely found near the surface, it tends to be located deep underground. If you want to use groundwater for any purpose, you’ll need a way to extract it quickly and reliably. A powerful pump can be inserted into a well or borehole and used to collect as much groundwater as you need.


Wastewater is any water that has been affected in quality by human activities. Wastewater can develop from agricultural activities, urban water use, and sewer inflow and stormwater runoff just to name a few. Wastewater from a municipality is also called sewage. Most of us don’t want to think about it, but at times the water that swirls in the bowl ends up being treated and ends up in our taps. This is recycled water. Recycled water is highly treated wastewater that has been filtered to remove solids and other impurities as well as disinfected by a water treatment plant.


Stormwater, also spelled storm water, is water that originates from rain, including snow and ice melt. Stormwater can soak into the soil (infiltrate), be stored on the land surface in ponds and puddles, evaporate, or contribute to surface runoff. Most runoff is conveyed directly to nearby streams, rivers, or other water bodies (surface water) without treatment. Stormwater may be dirtier than flowing water or properly collected groundwater. Once filtered, however, it can be used for a number of different purposes.

Stormwater is defined by U.S. EPA as the runoff generated when precipitation from rain and snowmelt events flows over land or impervious surfaces without percolating into the ground.  This water runs over surfaces like asphalt containing pollutants like engine oil, fertilizer, and radiator fluid. Stormwater not soaking into the ground ends up as surface runoff draining into rivers, lakes, streams and oceans.

Stormwater is also an important resource as human population and demand for water grow, particularly in arid and drought-prone climates.

Stay tuned with AWS-HYDRO to learn more.